Home Read Classic Album Review: Local H | Whatever Happened To P.J. Soles?

Classic Album Review: Local H | Whatever Happened To P.J. Soles?

The grungy duo crank out more twisted little nuggets of garage-band greatness.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you don’t know who P.J. Soles is, you need to rent Rock ’n’ Roll High School ASAP (though you could also go for Halloween or even Stripes in a pinch). And if you don’t know who Local H are, you might as well save time and pick up their new disc Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles? while you’re at it.

Not that they really have a lot in common. Soles is a former B-movie star perhaps best known for playing superfan Riff Randall in the classic Ramones movie. The H are a grungy duo — singer-guitarist Scott Lucas and drummer Brian St. Clair — whose deft amalgam of chunky riffs, throat-shredding vocals, classic-rock poses and snarky lyrics makes them sound like the red-headed love children of Nirvana, Led Zeppelin and Cheap Trick. And while Local H are about as famous as P.J. these days, it hasn’t stopped them from cranking out twisted little nuggets of garage-band greatness like The Money is On The Dresser and Heavy Metal Bakesale. Granted, these cuts won’t tell you what happened to P.J. But they will convince you to keep track of what Local H are up to.