Home Read Classic Album Review: Bad Manners | Rare & Fatty

Classic Album Review: Bad Manners | Rare & Fatty

The two-ton 2Tone terror and his bandmates bust out some choice odds ’n’ sods.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


More than 20 years after their classic Ska ’N’ B album, two-ton 2Tone terror Buster Bloodvessel and Bad Manners are still skanking and chugging along.

Of course, good luck finding that album anywhere — like most of their stuff, it’s long out of print. So you can only imagine how rare their singles and B-sides are. Which is where this collection of obscure, leftover and just plain weird tracks from throughout their career comes in handy. Along with gems from their very first studio session in 1979, you get oddities like a skanky These Boots Are Made For Walking, the Madness spoof Night Bus To Dalston and plenty of assorted tomfoolery. And while the recording quality isn’t always up to snuff, the quality of the tunes more than makes up for it. Lip up, fatty.