Home Read Classic Album Review: Decahedron | Disconnection_Imminent

Classic Album Review: Decahedron | Disconnection_Imminent

Former Fugazi & Frodus members channel the finest moments of Dischord & SST.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If a little knowledge really is a dangerous thing, Decahedron belong on the 10 Most Wanted List.

This D.C. punk trio possess more than enough grey matter to pose a threat — at least to their competition. And they have enough power to put their evil machinations into practice. On their debut Disconnection_Imminent, these former members of Fugazi and Frodus lash wiry guitars and passionate vocals to syncopated rhythms and angular basslines, concocting searingly complex constructs that toggle between ferocity and restraint, recalling the finest entries of the Dischord and SST catalogues. But they don’t stop there; not content to repeat the past, they update the program with glitchy textures, cutting-edge production and paranoid vibes that imbue their creations with a shadowy intensity and alienated fury. In other words: They think — therefore they are a cut above.