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Classic Album Review: Man Or Astro-Man? | EEVIAC Operational Index and Reference Guide, Including Other Modern Computational Devices

The space-surfers explore new realms of sonic weirdness on their fifth full-length.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“It’s the same series of signals over and over again,” proclaims the B-movie sample at the launch of space-surf combo Man Or Astro-Man?’s fifth disc.

And for the most part, it’s right — EEVIAC (which stands for Electronically Embedded, Variably Integrated Astro-Console) is chock full of their trademark amalgam of twangy licks, midnight flicks and SF shtik (the boys have handles like Birdstuff and Coco The Electronic Monkey Wizard, and claim to be aliens who crashed on Earth). On this mission, however, the astro-nuts have altered their orbit a tad: A few tracks dump the Devo-does-Dick-Dale ditties for nifty sonic weirdness, backwards-tape space oddities and even trippy lunar rock. See you on the dark side of the moon, fellas.