Home Read Classic Album Review: Cyclefly | Generation Sap

Classic Album Review: Cyclefly | Generation Sap

The alt-rock quintet's debut worships at the altars of Jane's Addiction and Oasis.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Cyclefly’s press kit dubs this alt-rock quintet the “Jane’s Addiction of the new millennium.” Fair enough.

Irish vocalist Declan O’Shea’s adenoidal yowl and penchant for lewd lyrics (“Would you be my whore?”), along with brother Ciaran’s metal-flaked, post-glam songs, would get these lads into the Perry Farrell Fan Club. Thing is, they also seem to have joint membership in the Britpop Appreciation Society; plenty of these 11 tunes start off strong, then seem to stall, settling for the catchy, big-hook chorus, but never really reaching Jane’s level of hedonistic abandon. They may claim to be Jane junkies, but sometimes it seems Cyclefly are just as addicted to Oasis.