Home Read Albums Of The Week: Daryl Hall | D

Albums Of The Week: Daryl Hall | D

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Daryl Hall’s sixth solo album D was co-produced by one-time Eurythmics member and fellow Rock And Roll Hall of Fame inductee Dave Stewart, who co-wrote seven of the nine new original songs, with Hall penning the other two on his own.

D is Hall’s first solo album first since 2011’s Laughing Down Crying. In 2022, Hall released BeforeAfter, featuring a 30-song compilation of all his solo work, from 1980’s Robert Fripp-produced Sacred Songs through 1986’s Three Hearts In The Happy Ending Machine, 1993’s Soul Alone, 1996’s Can’t Stop Dreaming and Laughing Down Crying.

“This album is about getting to my core,” Hall said. “Break it down to the real thing, have fun, tropical reverie. And, rekindle a musical relationship with a great friend … Call me D.”

The new album was recorded and mixed at Stardust Studios in Harbour Island, Bahamas. The first single from the album was Can’t Say No To You, co-written by Hall and Stewart. Other songs on the album include The Whole World’s Better, Too Much Information, Rainbow Over the Graveyard, Not the Way I Thought It Was, Walking In Between Raindrops and Why You Want to Do That To My Head, along with a pair of brand-new Hall solo tracks: Rather Be A Fool and Break It Down To The Real Thing.