Home Hear Teodor Doré Captures Striking Portraits Of Cities

Teodor Doré Captures Striking Portraits Of Cities

The pianist and composer takes you on a world tour with this ambitious concept LP.

Teodor Doré whisks you off on a sonic journey to exotic locales in his richly vibrant and adventurous new album Portraits Of Cities — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Presenting eight uniquely distinct pieces, the talented neo-classical pianist and composer embarks on an exploration across Europe and Asia, aiming to musically encapsulate the beating heart of various megacities, each a buzzing metropolis that has left an indelible impression on the composer.

The diverse soundscapes that Doré has created are as hypnotic as they are vibrant, resulting in a collection of musical postcards, each artfully representing cities that have profoundly influenced the artist’s creative outlook. Doré’s compositions, executed with a cinematic flair, serve as enchanting guides to each location, unveiling the hidden splendors concealed within their urban landscapes. Through the harmonious fusion of piano melodies and traditional instruments, the project aspires to bridge the cultural divide between the Western and Eastern worlds. “I aimed to capture my profound inspiration from history and culture, by crafting an extraordinary blend of multifaceted musical elements and imagery.”

Highlights include The Sun Over The Bosphorus, meticulously crafted at Istanbul’s renowned Babajim Studio with Turkish musicians, integrating traditional instruments like the oud, yayli tambur, darbuka, and riq, accompanied by haunting Sufi vocals. A Rainy Day In Manhattan draws inspiration from the cinematic masterpieces of Woody Allen and the timeless melodies of Ella Fitzgerald. Night In Bombay, featuring the sitar, tabla and Indian harmonium, evokes the cities ineffable and mystical aura, interwoven with the sounds of nocturnal jungle insects and distant power plant beeps. Spring In Barcelona begins with a few unassuming notes heard in the subway, where Doré noticed the modest chime preceding the station announcements, moving in to bold flamenco-like guitar. Also featuring compositions inspired by Moscow, Helsinki, Beirut and Bangkok, a global tapestry of music is woven in to the highest level of quality and authenticity, presenting a remarkably exhilarating body of work as a whole.

Doré’s album features an eclectic ensemble of instruments, including the qanun, sitar, darbuka, clarinet, double bass, violin, bassoon, drums, and captivating Indian and Middle Eastern vocals. These diverse musical elements will come together to engage in a harmonious dialogue with the piano, promising an enriching and unforgettable musical experience for the audience. The ensemble is a unity of talented instrumentalists and vocalists hailing from the U.K., Ukraine, Italy, Egypt, Syria, and India, promising a rich and vibrant cultural fusion on stage.

Doré’s diverse career spans a very wide spectrum, having released five albums and performed over 150 concerts across five continents. His illustrious career includes collaborations on opera projects like The Queen of Spades with the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (III Russian National Opera Award) to composing and performing music for Bollywood movies, theatrical performances and orchestral suites. Teodor’s music has been featured in two notable theatre premieres: Theatre of Gulags in London and Say That You Love Me in Madrid, Buenos Aires, Stuttgart, and Narva. He has also worked with esteemed conductors such as Fabio Mastrangelo, Nikolai Zinman, Andrei Rein, Manel Valdivieso and Alexander Walker.

Listen to Portraits Of Cities below, watch the video for Train To Helsinki above, and visit Teodor Doré on his website and Instagram.