Home Read Classic Album Review: Monster Magnet | Monolithic Baby!

Classic Album Review: Monster Magnet | Monolithic Baby!

Dave Wyndorf unleashes his sixth full-on space-rock assault. Submit or perish.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If power corrupts, Monster Magnet’s Dave Wyndorf is well on the way to being the most evil man in the universe.

Of course, if you’re down with Wyndorf’s hybrid of leather-clad stoner metal and fuzz-busting space-rock, you knew that. If not, now’s your chance to join the doomsday cult. Monolithic Baby!, the Magnet’s monstrous sixth CD, unleashes another full-on assault of Sabbath-level sludge, high-octane Hawkwind psychedelia, dueling lead guitars, plonking cowbells, thundering tom-toms — and at the centre of the maelstrom, Wyndorf the dark overlord, wielding the hammer of the gods and stroking his Fu Manchu ’stache as he bellows apocalyptic anthems about Radiation Day, his Slut Machine and the Ultimate Everything. Submit or perish.