Home Read Classic Album Review: Eddie Money | Ready Eddie

Classic Album Review: Eddie Money | Ready Eddie

The classic rocker hasn't changed his tune on his first LP in who-knows-how-long.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Have you beeen wondering whatever happened to Eddie Money? Nah, me neither.

But clearly, someone has: Mr. Two Tickets To Paradise evidently got somebody to finance One More Trip To The Recording Studio. And the result is Ready Eddie, his first album in who-knows-how-long. Not that you’ll notice the time lapse. To be honest, Ready Eddie pretty much sounds like any of his old records — his sandpaper rasp is as scruffy as ever, and his roster of ’70s-style air-guitar rockers and Bic-lighter ballads is as slick as ever, thanks to some songwriting contributions from folks like Frankie (Eye Of The Tiger) Sullivan and Jake (I Love Rock ’N’ Roll) Hooker. Undoubtedly he’ll be coming soon to a classic rock festival near you — in case you were wondering.