Home Read Classic Album Review: Bijou Phillips | I’d Rather Eat Glass

Classic Album Review: Bijou Phillips | I’d Rather Eat Glass

Papa John's teenage daughter makes a self-assured (if unfocused) debut.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Papa John Phillips’ 18-year-old daughter Bijou is no mere chip off the old rocker.

On her auspicious, delicious debut, this self-assured teen terror eschews her pop’s folk-pop for a big, post-modern-rock melange of crunching guitars, pig-sticking pop hooks, moody loops and scratchy samples. Not to mention ear-grabbing lyrics and a voice that retains a tip-of-the-tongue familiarity (It’s Alanis! No, Belinda! No, Blondie!) even as it veers from little-girl lost to yelping brat in a nanosecond. Of course, all that rebellion is no surprise; like any teen, Bijou is a whirling dervish starring in her own short-attention-span theatre, trying on styles — confessional piano balladry, bohemian guitar-folk, rock angst — only to discard them quicker than yesterday’s boyfriend. Unfocused it may be; boring it ain’t. Save yourself a seat for Bijou’s coming attractions.