The Mighty One Are Kickin’ Stones Down The Road

The Vancouver rockers pay tribute to an old friend with a classic power ballad.

The Mighty One reimagine the power ballad for the age of social awareness with their new single Kickin’ Stones — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

On the fifth single from their third album The Torch Of Rock And Roll, the Vancouver hard rockers go full tilt at the fragility and vulnerabilities we try to hide from all but a select few. Kickin’ Stones is a haunting tribute to Jeff Worobec, a dear friend of songwriter, guitarist and lead singer Tim Steinruck, who drew on the bygone days of youth and boundless promise when writing this song.

“Jeff was a real good-looking man but was famous for sabotaging his relationships,” recalls Steinruck. “One day he came into the studio with that look on his face. ‘What happened?’ I asked. ‘She’s gone,’ he said. ‘I sent her down the road kickin’ stones.’ In that moment something just clicked, and the story of his life became a song.”

With the help of bandmates Bob Wagner (drums), Chris Campbell (bass), Randy Robertson (lead guitar) and James Meyer (keyboards), the track finds Steinruck tackling the difficult-to-discuss parts of what makes us human. Exploring themes of hopelessness, loneliness, isolation and suicide, this song also manages to remind us of the days when epic power ballads ruled the airwaves.

The Mighty One were formed in 2007 and had chart success with their self-titled album, with the single Reprieved reaching the Top 10 (the video still enjoys regular rotation on Canada’s music channel Much Loud). Their sophomore album Shift, featuring Waiting For You and Countdown To Ascension, had radio success and prompted invitations to SXSW and Canadian Music Week. Their most recent album, The Torch Of Rock And Roll, continues garner nominations and awards, including International Songwriter, Album, and Band Of The Year at the 2023 International Singer Songwriter Awards in Atlanta.

Watch the video for Kickin’ Stones above, hear more from The Mighty One below, and get your kicks on their website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.