Home Read Classic Album Review: Mocean Worker | Mixed Emotional Features

Classic Album Review: Mocean Worker | Mixed Emotional Features

With a soundtrack like this, you don’t need a movie.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Cinematic is the adjective too many lazy critics (including me) use far too often to describe electronica albums.

Well, if your average Moby or µ-ziq disc is cinematic, then this second CD from New York’s Mocean Worker — aka Adam Dorn — is an IMAX double-bill in 3-D with six-channel sensurround sound. The plot? It’s as wide-ranging as the title hints at. Sometimes it’s a dark, espionage flick set to driving, break-beat jazz. Then it segues into a grand, sweeping desert adventure backed by scratchy Tunisian funk. Finally, it becomes a steamy bayou mystery, propelled by a Cajun groove and a Neville Brothers sample. Then again, forget the flick. With a soundtrack like this, you don’t need a movie.