Home Read Classic Album Review: Just Jack | The Outer Marker

Classic Album Review: Just Jack | The Outer Marker

The very small fraternity of white British rappers welcomes another member.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“It’s hard sometimes tryin’ to be a geezer,” grumbles British rapper Just Jack. I’d like to say we know how he feels, but really, I don’t have a clue what he’s talking about.

I can, however, appreciate how hard it must be to be a white rapper from England. And how lonely; aside from The Streets, there’s been … well, pretty much nobody, really. But with his stylish and solid debut disc The Outer Marker, Just Jack (last name: Allsop) earns his place in this small fraternity. Gracefully toeing the line between soulful pop and trip-hop, the lazy-voiced Jack raps and croons brooding tales of inner-city life, love and loss atop low-impact grooves and lush backdrops sampled from the likes of 10cc and The Cure. Think Tricky on mood elevators — or Robbie Williams with actual talent — and you’ve got a handle on this geezer.