Home Read Classic Album Review: Statistics | Leave Your Name

Classic Album Review: Statistics | Leave Your Name

The Desaparecidos guitarist comes into his own with this ambitious side project.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


In the same way that the TV sitcom Good Times was a spinoff of a spinoff, Statistics are the side project of a side project.

Singer-guitarist Denver Dalley first appeared on the radar a couple of years ago with intense Omaha indie-rockers Desaparecidos, a sideline outfit formed by Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes. Now that Conor has gone back to his main gig, Dalley is ready for his closeup. But here’s a pleasant surprise: His spinoff disc Leave Your Name isn’t just a straight rehash of the original flavour. Sure, Dalley still has a soft spot for a giant, cathartically noisy wall of guitars — usually offset by fragile low-wattage crooning. But here he augments them with experimental production, electronic textures, lush instrumentation and left-turn arrangements — all of which should ensure Leave Your Name gets listeners to remember his. And who knows — maybe it’ll even make Statistics popular enough to earn the rest of the band their own side projects.