Midweek Mixtape | 120 Songs That Just Keep Getting Better (Side 5)

Some days are better than others. Today is so great it’s almost ridiculous. In fact, if you don’t fall in love with at least 20 of these new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes and unburied classics, I seriously think there might be something wrong with you. As always, there are dozens of gems here you can’t dig up anywhere else. Your Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with 🎰. You really hit the jackpot this time, pally:



105 | Lilly Winwood | Keep it Spinning

106 | Robert Jon & The Wreck | Rescue Train (Live From Paris)

🎰 107 | Bells Larsen | Sweater Weather

108 | Tejon Street Corner Thieves | Demons

109 | Sons Of The East | What I Do

110 | Girlpuppy | I Want To Be There

🎰 111 | Ylayali | He Needs Me

112 | Vévaki | Gestaþáttr

113 | Rosewood Tales | Le Marchand De Couleur


🎰 114 | Takuya Kuroda | Midnight Crisp

115 | Julian Lage | Tributary


116 | Precipitation | Futatsugamé Contemplation

117 | Ami Dang | Sensations

118 | Sam Prekop | Fall Is Farewll

119 | Mittere | Found

120 | Sofie Birch & Antonina Nowacka | Sudany