Home Read Classic Album Review: Filter | The Amalgamut

Classic Album Review: Filter | The Amalgamut

Richard Patrick's third LP is as conventional as the societal conformity he yells about.

This came out in 2002 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“This is a American cliche,” primal-screams Richard Patrick a few minutes into Filter’s new album. Well, his grammar may not be exactly stellar, but at least he’s aware of his band’s shortcomings.

The Amalgamut, the third disc from the former Nine Inch Nails sideman and his cronies, is every bit as conventional as the societal conformity he wastes much of his breath ranting against. Most of these dozen tracks are a been-there-done-that affair, repeatedly recycling the same detuned, saw-tooth guitar chugging, the same quiet-loud post-grunge arrangements, and the same top-of-your-lungs bellow we’ve all been subjected to for too many years now by everyone from Gravity Kills to Nickelback. The only bright side is that Patrick’s formulaic approach even extends to his trademark poppy singles — like previous hits Hey Man, Nice Shot and Take A Picture, the Cheap Trick-ish power ballads Where Do We Go From Here and The Only Way (Is the Wrong Way) are the brightest, tightest, most enjoyable cuts on an otherwise uninspired outing. Next time, boys, try to filter out some of your own cliches before you worry about everybody else’s.