I, Kandee is the world’s most unlikely Teen Pop Sensation on his magnificently weird new EP — premiering exclusively on Tinnitist.
Part bat-shit crazy, part parody, and part unabashedly ridiculous entertainment, Teen Pop Sensation’s five delightfully demented tracks will burrow into your brain and lay their earworm eggs so deep you’ll never get them out of your head. Between the big beats and funky grooves, the pounding pianos and squishy synthesizers — and of course, I, Kandee’s last-call karaoke vocals — Teen Pop Sensation is something you need to experience for yourself. If you dare.

Bitten by a radioactive teenager, Vancouver’s Terry Russell (drummer extraordinaire) was transformed into I, Kandee, a bona fide teenage pop sensation! He has been bringing his unique brand of sound to Talent Time for over 13 years. Now that his career is in the teens, it’s time to branch out and release his music to the world.
His hit writing prowess is unmatched and his stage performances are the stuff of legend. Do yourself a favour and check out his hit-crammed album. But first, prepare yourself for a transcendent sonic experience that just might get your juices flowing — including a few fluids you never knew you had.
Listen to Teen Pop Sensation and check out I, Kandee’s videos below, and find him at his website and Facebook.