Home Read Classic Album Review: Pink | M!ssundaztood

Classic Album Review: Pink | M!ssundaztood

The magenta-topped popster gets the party started on her superior second album.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


I don’t suspect magenta-maned singer Pink is the victim of mistaken identity often. But after hearing this sophomore CD, I had to go back and dig up her debut just to make sure it was the same singer. It is — not that you could tell.

While last year’s Can’t Take Me Home was a mediocre collection of skittering hip-hop soul a la TLC, M!ssundaztood is a self-assured and sincere batch of soulful dance-pop, blues-rock and R&B. Good grooves that don’t sound robotic, good vocals that never fall victim to diva-esque histrionics, and — most importantly — plenty of good pop songs like Get the Party Started and Respect, loaded with sharp hooks. All of which begs the question: Why didn’t she make this album the first time around?