Home Read Classic Album Review: Col. Parker | Rock n Roll Music

Classic Album Review: Col. Parker | Rock n Roll Music

Classic rockers rock the classics in this jammy set from a Gunner and a Stray Cat.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Here are two names from the Whatever Happened To…? file: Ex-Guns N’ Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke and former Stray Cats drummer Slim Jim Phantom. Put ’em together and you get Col. Parker, an outfit as straightforward and unpretentious as the title of their debut album Rock n Roll Music.

The band reportedly grew out of jams Phantom hosted at his Sunset Strip bar Cat Club, and it sounds like it: These dozen originals and covers are loosely ragged swatches of Exile-era Stones guitar-rock and country-honk, with all the requisite choppy licks, raspy vocals, burbling organs and blues-based riffs. Here and there a few other influences pop up, like the Faces-style folk-blues of Harmony, the New York Dolls glam of their cover of Pills, and the rootsy Jack Daniel’s blues of Mercedes Benz. File this one under Classic Rockers Rockin’ the Classics.