The High Loves Will See You Sometime

The Toronto alt-rockers put a breakup behind them with their poppy new number.

The High Loves make it clear that what goes around comes around in love with their new single and video Sometime — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Appearing on the alt-rockers’ forthcoming EP Too Much Of A Good Thing, Sometime was one of those songs whose inspiration came out of nowhere. “I was just practising my guitar one day when the song in its entirety just popped into my head,” guitarist Noah Mockton says. The lyrics were imagined as a goodbye letter to an ex. “It’s about being OK with change and letting someone you love go.”

The band’s friend Elise Mariah sings backup on the track, with an easy “sha-la-la” that imparts an nostalgic vibe to the cut. The production style is deliberately less-is-more, and evokes a breezy, beachy end-of-summer attitude. “We worked really hard not to overdo this song,” keyboardist Jeremy Ugro says. “We knew we had a great groove, so all we had to do was not fuck it up.”

The synth lends to the song’s fun, which-decade-is-this throwback feel, while also providing enough contrast in the lead-up to make the guitar solo a standout. “The solo was a bit of a challenge,” admits lead guitarist Marko Stojanovic. “There’s a ton of ways you can express a single note and finding the right one proved difficult. I’m thrilled with how it turned out in the end.”

Formed in 2018, The High Loves are a pop-rock band from Toronto. Their recently retooled lineup is rounded out by bassist Jake St. Jean and drummer Jaden Spanier. Culling inspiration from ’80s pop and early-’00s alternative rock, they aim to blend serious fun and addictive music tugging on your consciousness, demanding to be played again.

Watch Sometime above, hear more from The High Loves below, and see them sometime on their website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.