I had one of those days where you start a bunch of projects but end up finishing next to nothing. Thankfully, I made it through this list of 100 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes you need to add to your personal soundtrack. As always, expect to see and hear a few dozen gems you won’t find elsewhere. Today’s hottest tracks (including the 15 killers in this section) are marked with 🔥. I promise you won’t get burned:
1 | Goodbye June | Step Aside
2 | Errorr | Servant
3 | Velvet Starlings | She Said (She Said)
4 | Kadabra | Bean King
5 | Death Blooms | Shut Up (ft. Wargasm)
6 | Matt Robidoux | The Bouquet
7 | Reigning Sound | Make It Up (Live)