Home Read Classic Album Review: Sugar Ray | Sugar Ray

Classic Album Review: Sugar Ray | Sugar Ray

The Fly guys try to make a rock record — but water it down with too much pop fluff.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The Fly guys say this fourth album is their “rock record.” Well, maybe.

It sure ain’t Sugar Ray’s rockingest record — their ska-punky first album was tons heavier than any of these 11 songs. But next to the lilting reggae-pop of Fly and their last CD 14:59, this self-titled set is a reasonably heavy affair, with the band turning up the amps and knocking out a few riff-rocky tracks that remind you of The Rolling Stones (Disasterpiece) and The Replacements (Waiting and Sorry Now) — or at least The Goo Goo Dolls. Too bad they don’t take it all the way instead of watering down the effect with too many safe, summer-pop ditties like the hook-heavy single When It’s Over. Boys, if you’re really gonna be a rock band again, that kinda blatant commerciality just ain’t gonna fly.