Weekend Mixtape (Side 3) | 214 Songs I Triple-Dog Dare You To Hear

With June speeding to an end and summer holidays looming, everybody is rushing to get their latest release out before it’s too late. Too late for what, you ask? Beats me, frankly. All I know is I got more than 500 emails today — and they’re still coming in as I write this. I whittled them down to these 214 videos, singles, remixes and cover tunes. That ought tide you over until next Monday. Or next month, for that matter.


36 | Ruff Majik | Swine Tooth Grin

37 | Marc Ribler | Fly Away

38 | Fuzzy Sun | Fake It

39 | Heele | Still Intact

40 | The Naysayers | Family Tree

41 | Giungla | Little Problem

42 | Horsey | Lagoon

43 | Kesem | No Future

44 | Wilder. | Bitemytongue

45+46 | Siz | From The Sea To Your Mind + The Aquatic Light

47 | Ropes Of Night | Another Closing Door

48 | Pam Risourié | I Only Dream Of You Once a Week

49+50 | Hiroshima | Sax Of Friday (ft. Spencer Evoy) + Raro (ft. Francis Riera)