Home Read Now Hear This: Kevin Godley | Muscle Memory

Now Hear This: Kevin Godley | Muscle Memory

The 10cc alum opens the collaborative door wide on this ambitious online project.

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “In July 2017 Kevin Godley — formerly of 10cc and Godley & Creme — posted an invitation online: ‘Write and record with me.’ He got more than he bargained for.

“Something happened that eclipsed any songwriting techniques I’d learned in 10cc or Godley & Creme,” he says. “Out of the blue, I was sent two recorded instrumental tracks with requests to write melodies and lyrics and turn them into songs. Both tracks came from people I’d never met and still haven’t. Experiencing this kind of remote collaboration and its results has been transformative for me, as I believe I’ve recorded two of my best ever songs and Muscle Memory, as I’m calling the album, will be about opening this collaborative door a lot wider.”

Ultimately, Kevin received 286 instrumentals, choosing to conceal the names of submitters so as not to focus on high-profile artists. Of these, 11 were chosen for the final tracklisting. The instrumentals vary wildly, from jarring electronic beats to Gotye’s dreamlike balladic contribution Song of Hate.

The album marks Kevin’s first time fronting a project. His lyricism is cutting, political and provides a mood similar to film dialogue over classic pop lyricism. Gun control, societal unrest, racism and questions regarding political correctness make for some of the most striking lyrical content likely heard on an alternative pop record. This is a dark record from someone not known for dark themes.

Kevin’s career features numerous exceptional albums and sees him as one of the most important pioneers of the pop music video. Muscle Memory is a fitting addition to this body of work, offering a provoking, daring new insight into Godley’s creative practice.”