Twin Flames lit up the site a few weeks back with their video for their revolutionary song Battlefields from their upcoming Omen album (you can check out that post HERE). But that wasn’t their first visit to Tinnitist; they were also featured on Sultans of String’s Power Of The Land video last fall (check that one out HERE). Now, the powerful duo return to do battle with my tiresome questions. Flame on:
Introduce yourself: Name, age (feel free to lie), home base and other details you’d like to share — height / weight / identifying marks / astrology sign / your choice.
We are Jaaji and Chelsey June, known as the musical group Twin Flames . We are a Canadian band and we use our Indigenous backgrounds to share language and stories through our music. We have been a band together for six years. We met through music and got married. We have an instant family of six children — the youngest is 8 and the oldest is 25!
What is your musical origin story?
We met on the set of TV show called TAM we were both booked as separate artists to perform our music and met around a campfire.
What do we need to know about your latest project?
The transformation of our sound. A crossover from folk to a more modern soundscape experience.
What truly sets you apart from other artists?
We are down to earth and grounded and realize that being where we are is a gift from our fans. We love engaging with the public and truly put in the time for people.
What will I learn or how will my life improve by listening to your music?
We fuse a lot of our own cultural experiences by also bringing in the listener to our realities as Indigenous and Inuit people.
Tell us about the first song you wrote and / or the first gig you played and what you got paid.
The first gig we played was for an Indigenous Christmas art fundraiser. It was stressful because there were people with hearing aids. Pay was not much and we didn’t feel good about getting paid for it but we had to accept an honorarium.
What is the best / worst / strangest / most memorable performance you gave?
Jaaji: We try not to compare because each show or place we play has a different moment. They are all memorable. Faulty gear causes stress but we get thru it cause its just apart of this business. S$%# happens lol.
Chelsey: I was brought an amazing pair of handmaid mittens while performing, that was pretty awesome!
What is the best / worst / strangest / most memorable performance you’ve seen another artist give?
We appreciate all arts in whatever form given. We do not judge in that regard. We did however truly love watching Brandi Carlile at Ottawa Bluesfest and Xavier Rudd — both performances were so incredible.
What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
Better-quality shows for more food money so we can enjoy and continue to pay our bills and feed our family
What living or dead artists would you collaborate with if you could?
Gord Downie. Rest his beautiful soul! for someone alive, a collab would be so cool with Garth Brooks. He just seems so down to earth and we love his stage presence.
What artist or style of music do you love that would surprise people?
Jaaji: Metal, but then again each style of music is amazing in its own regard.
Chelsey: Rap from the early to mid-2000s ex: 50 cent, Eminem, Akon. I for sure have my days where I play it loud and reminisce I think I embarrass my kids lol.
What are your favourite songs / albums / artists right now?
Hard to answer. Each song and artist has a role in our life soundtrack.
How about some other favourites: Authors, movies, painters, you name it.
Chelsey: Favourite author, Margret Atwood; TV shows, Outlander, Vikings, Handmaid’s Tale. Two photographers: Dave Brosha and Sean Sisk!
Who would you be starstruck to meet?
Jaaji: President Obama. I would be more honoured than starstruck.
Chelsey: Celine Dion. I grew up with her everywhere in Canadian media and she was the first concert I ever went to.
What’s your favourite joke?
Jaaji: What do you call an Earthquake in Arctic Canada? Inukshook (From dad)
Chelsey: I don’t even try, unless it’s a really dirty joke — but only people really close see that side of me.
What do you drive and why?
Ford Flex — we can fit all our gear and all our kids.
What superpower do you want and how would you use it?
Jaaji: The power to eliminate suicide and mental illness.
Chelsey: Captain Planet I would save the world of pollution.
What skills — useful or useless — do you have outside of music?
Jaaji: Carpentry and woodwork.
Chelsey: Graphic design and interior design.
What do you collect?
Collect or hoard? Musical Instruments.
If I had a potluck, what would you bring?
What current trend or popular thing do you not understand at all?
Negative or dangerous influencers and challenges that are just stupid and waste food.
Tell us about your current and/or former pets.
Simone, 3, an ugly-cute French bulldog who thinks she’s human. Naja, 3, a flawless Lynx Point Siamese who thinks she’s a dog and supermodel. Snow, 7, a handsome Snowshoe Siamese who is a calm, cool cat and super loving.
If you could have any other job besides music, what would it be and why?
Jaaji: I’ve done a lot of stuff, including policing and politics, so I can’t really think of anything else other than music
Chelsey: There is nothing else I would ever want to do.
What’s the best advice and/or worst advice you were ever given?
Jaaji: Be respectful, don’t be a dick and show up on time!
Chelsey: My Papa always says “tout finit par se savoir.” It means everything, in the end, is never hidden the moral is always be a truthful and honest person. My Mom says Don’t Worry Be Happy! (Singing it of course!) It makes me think that life can be beautiful and the hard times will pass.
Watch Battlefields above, check out more of Twin Flames’ music below, and keep up with them via their website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.