Home Read Joe Bonamassa | A New Day Now: 20th Anniversary Edition

Joe Bonamassa | A New Day Now: 20th Anniversary Edition

The blues-rock guitar hero updates and expands his debut studio album.

THE PRESS RELEASE:Joe Bonamassa has always talked with an incredible fondness for the late great legendary producer Tom Dowd, who has a stellar discography, a veritable who’s who of Soul, Rock and Blues superstars. Joe was obviously thrilled when Tom signed on to produce his first solo album, A New Day Yesterday 20 years ago. However, as time has gone by, Joe’s vocal style, particularly, has changed enormously. He’s grown from an adolescent shouter to a very mature and soulful singer. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of A New Day Yesterday, Joe wanted to re-do all vocals without losing the original feel of the record. This re-release comes with three bonus tracks, produced and written with Steven Van Zandt, the legendary guitarist from Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. To complete the new package, the album has been rebranded with an appropriate title: A New Day Now: 20th Anniversary Edition.”

MY TWO CENTS: Due to some really shitty circumstances that were totally beyond my control — and trust me, you truly don’t want to know — I had neither the time nor the brainpower to review albums this week. So consider this a recommendation, or a referral, or a heads-up, or whatever. That’s the best I can do right now. Regular programming will resume next week (assuming nothing even shittier happens). Thanks for your patience.