Home Read Classic Album Review: Kreators | No Contest

Classic Album Review: Kreators | No Contest

The Boston hip-hop quartet aim to rescue rap from the thugs and gangbangers.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“To all you gangsta rappers, we’re like Elliott Ness,” boast this Boston hip-hop quartet on their debut album No Contest.

They’ve got a point — this fantastic four are definitely untouchable. And they’re back to rescue rap from the thugs and gang-bangers. Their secret weapon? The basics — just mad flow, kickin’ rhymes, solid, sinisterly soulful beats, two turntables and a microphone. No Puffy samples, no gangster glamourizations, no chopsocky shtik. And best of all, no skits; instead, Kreators separate their songs with advice on how to navigate the pitfalls of the rap music biz. Compared to today’s crop of sellout rappers, there is indeed No Contest.