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Classic Album Review: The Pimps | To A Cool Person, Stay That Way!

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The mack daddies in this Rockford, Ill., outfit may seem like the last act to jump on the rap-metal bandwagon.

Actually, they were there early on; this independently recorded disc was first released back in 1997, but just got picked up by a major label. Back then, it probably sounded more radical than it does now — at this point, The Pimps’ whole shtik, from the name and goofball lyrics on down to the blaxploitation funk-meets-scrungy white-trash rock has been done to death by the Limp Bizkits and Kid Rocks of the world. Still, having said that, there’s no denying that these freak-flag-flying grooves are hefty and throbbing, the strep-throat vocals and Afro-Cuban percussion are an original touch — and you gotta love a band with a song called Pimp Floyd. They may be cliché, but they’re still cool. Let’s hope they stay that way.