Home Read Classic Album Review: Steel Prophet | Messiah

Classic Album Review: Steel Prophet | Messiah

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If there’s one thing bands hate, it’s comparative criticism — everybody likes to think their sound is completely unique.

Meanwhile, fans only want to know one thing about a band: Who do they sound like? Thankfully, Steel Prophet guitarist and songwriter Steve Kachinsky thinks like a fan. He doesn’t mind being compared to other metal bands; hell, he even does it himself on the liner notes to his band’s fifth disc Messiah. As Kachinsky happily admits, Steel Prophet’s sound incorporates everything from the galloping, epic metal and soaring vocals of Iron Maiden to the brooding, sinister sounds of Dio and Black Sabbath, along with touches of everything from Queen to Randy Rhoads to Michael Schenker tossed in for good measure. Sure, it ain’t exactly original, but hey, at least they’re honest about it. In that regard, Steel Prophet are one of a kind.