This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Canuck blues star Jeff Healey — at least on the pop charts.
Since his last album, 1995’s Cover to Cover, Healey has apparently spent his time indulging other interests: New fatherhood, New Orleans jazz and adding to his collection of 80,000 records. If this comeback disc is anything to go by, he also spent plenty of quality time with his acoustic guitar. Aside from the fire-breathing licks of single Which One, the trip-hoppy Hey Hey and a couple of funky, Jimi Hendrix-style jams, the 54-minute, 13-track Get Me Some is a rootsy, at-times overly mellow affair. Like his hit Angel Eyes, tunes such as My Life Story, I Should Have Told You and Macon Country Blue are heavy on loping, midtempo pop melodies and sensitive-guy balladry and light on Healey’s pyrotechnic lap-guitar work, which has been sequestered to background filler and mandatory mid-song solos. After so long away, it seems Jeff is having trouble getting back in touch with his inner rocker. Too bad.