Home Read Classic Album Review: Fifty Tons Of Black Terror | My Idle Hands

Classic Album Review: Fifty Tons Of Black Terror | My Idle Hands

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You know what they say about idle hands.

Well, London quartet Fifty Tons of Black Terror’s sophomore disc is the sleaze-rock embodiment of that adage. With one foot in the gutter, and the other — well, pretty much right there beside it — 50TOBT generate a low-rent brand of sonic filth and fury that suggests they nicked Jesus Lizard’s blooz-rawk crown, pawned it to buy sniff and went on one helluva bender down at the railway yards. Like their debut disc Demeter, this is a demented spree of crash-bash drumming, gut-wrenching fuzz-tone bass, grinding guitar sludge and a singer who howls and sputters like a brain-damaged DT sufferer hallucinating about butchered hogs, nudie flicks and root canal. In other words, it’s what every good rock ‘n’ roll album should be.