Home Read Classic Album Review: Cupcakes | Cupcakes

Classic Album Review: Cupcakes | Cupcakes

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you believe their bio, the two guitarists in Cupcakes are so passionately opinionated about their music that they came to blows while recording this disc.

Take it from me — they care way too much. Especially for a band whose self-titled debut is essentially a standard slice of electro-tinged alt-pop, complete with grainy Weezer guitars, bleeping Cars synths, arena-rock drums (courtesy of former Filter and Smashing Pumpkins stickman Matt Walker) and a falsetto-loving, slightly pretentious vocalist who favours lyrics like “We are intentionally vague” and whose wandering accent suggests he can’t decide whether he’s in a Britpop band or an Yankee rock outfit. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they were really fighting about.