Home Read Classic Album Review: Circle | Guillotine

Classic Album Review: Circle | Guillotine

This came out in 2005 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The freaky Finns of Circle speak a language all their own. And no, it’s not Finnish. It’s called Meronian.

You can hear it on their umpteenth album Guillotine. Mostly, it sounds like the random gibberings of some alien parasite. But it does go with their music. Falling somewhere between proggy Krautrock and clattery post-rock, the experimental soundscapes on Guillotine fuse primal hypnotic grooves, noodly circular guitars, droning synths, freak-out overdubs and laissez-faire production. With a little more claustrophobia and aggression, these cuts could be the soundtrack to a cheesy Italian horror movie — especially with all that nonsensical blathering. Easy listening it’s not, but it makes a statement — even if you can’t understand a word of it.