Home Read Classic Album Review: D.O.A. | Live Free or Die

Classic Album Review: D.O.A. | Live Free or Die

Joe Keithley and co. retrace their steps with a disc heavy on classics and covers.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you don’t love D.O.A. and Joe (S—head) Keithley, well, you just don’t love punk rock.

I can understand, though, if you aren’t quite as enthusiastic about these hardworking Canadian icons’ curiously familiar new disc Live Free or Die. I know that Joey and co. are into recycling, but this seems a bit much — nearly half this 20-cut set consists of rerecorded D.O.A. classics and covers. Granted, some of them are killer — like the F—ed Up Ronnie / Baby update F—ed Up Bush, the Motörheadbanger Kill Ya Later and the stinging versions of Bob Dylan’s Masters of War and Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Bad Moon Rising. But do D.O.A. fans really need or want new versions of Agony and the Ecstasy, Marijuana Motherf—er and Concrete Beach? I would never accuse Joey of selling out, but it’s hard not to feel he’s selling his fans a little short here.