Home Read Classic Album Review: The Meat Purveyors | More Songs About Buildings And...

Classic Album Review: The Meat Purveyors | More Songs About Buildings And Cows

The Austin crew deliver traditional country with punk sass & tongue lodged in cheek.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Austin’s Meat Purveyors are not your daddy’s bluegrass band — but they might just be your tattooed little sister’s.

Like The Knitters, this raucous co-ed quartet deliver their traditional country licks with a dash of punk sass and a tongue firmly lodged in cheek. So along with George Jones and Bill Monroe tunes, you get Lou Reed and Daniel Johnston covers. And along with gospel harmonies, freight-train fiddles and lickety-split mandolin virtuosity, you get devilish lyrics about backwash beer, little white pills and singer Jo Walston’s love of tallboys — in every sense of the word. And even though there isn’t a drum to be found here, the Purveyors still kick harder than 10 hair metal bands. All that’s missing is their bring-the-house-down cover of Like A Virgin. Lord only knows what dad would say about that.