Home Read Classic Album Review: Megadeth | Risk

Classic Album Review: Megadeth | Risk

The thrash vet morphs into Alice Cooper on his ninth LP. Welcome to your nightmare.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


He started off sounding like his former bandmates in Metallica, but lately Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine has been morphing into another metal icon: Alice Cooper. No, really.

At first, I thought it was coincidence: They both live in Phoenix; they both frequent Coyotes games when they’re at home; they’re both born-again former substance abusers. But on Megadeth’s remarkably cruddy (and ironically risk-free) ninth album Risk, Mustaine takes the whole thing to an unignorable level: His new drummer used to play for Alice; his voice has become a Xerox of Cooper’s sneering, nasal whine; he uses cheap horror-rock shtik; and riff-rock tunes like Prince Of Darkness and The Doctor Is Calling could be Cooper’s outtakes. At this rate, I expect to see musclebound axeman Kane Roberts in the band soon. Welcome to his nightmare — and yours.