Home Read Classic Album Review: Flashlight | Running Season

Classic Album Review: Flashlight | Running Season

The Guelph ska-punk foursome prefer spit over polish on their sophomored album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Like plenty of bands in the third-wave ska-punk scene, Guelph, Ont., foursome Flashlight fall between the musical cracks — they aren’t ska enough to rock the rude boys and they aren’t punk enough to get the pit churning.

What sets them apart however, is an offbeat sense of humour to go with their offbeat rhythms. This self-released second CD is loaded with looney tunes about babes who smell, dudes who look like ladies and odes to New York City — even though the boys have never been there. If you like a band that prefers spit over polish and knows how much fun it is to be dumb, check out Flashlight.