Home Read Classic Album Review: Barry White | Staying Power

Classic Album Review: Barry White | Staying Power

The boudoir-soul crooner is a living cartoon character on this laughable comeback.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Isaac Hayes, if you’re out there, please, I implore you — call Barry White and tell him that South Park’s Chef is a joke.

Judging by his new disc Staying Power, his first in four years, the original Smoove B has decided to base his comeback on the work of a cartoon character. Yes, he’s still the baddest basso profundo of silky boudoir soul, aka the man who can’t get enough of your love, babe. But when he starts crooning about making “sweet love” and purring lines like “I love the way you freak me” or (my favourite) “Tease me with your emotions / Soon we’ll share nature’s body lotion,” he only puts me in the mood to laugh. And you know what that can do to a man’s staying power. Oh, baby? Oh, brother.