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Classic Single Review: Nine Inch Nails | The Day The World Went Away

The industrial revolutionary is in a holding pattern on this preview of The Fragile.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


It’s been five years since industrial revolutionary Trent Reznor released The Downward Spiral.

Since then — if this first single from his long-awaited new CD The Fragile is any sign — ol’ Trent has been on something of a downward spiral himself. Or at the very least a holding pattern. Despite half a decade to write new material, the two songs here, while memorable, don’t break new ground. The broody title tune is just another of his patented creepy techno-ballads, while Starf—ers, Inc., is an industrial disco-pummel straight from 1994, complete with quiet verses, loud choruses and references to, um, You’re So Vain. Presumably these are the most commercial songs on The Fragile; I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad.