Home Read Classic Album Review: Kittie | Until The End

Classic Album Review: Kittie | Until The End

The Canadian metal goddesses prove that what didn't kill them made them stronger.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Until The End is billed as a new beginning for Kittie. No wonder.

After clawing their way through years of lineup changes and music biz hoo-haw, the Ontario metal goddesses are out to prove what didn’t kill them made them stronger. And on this third full-length, singer-guitarist Morgan Lander, her drumming sis Mercedes and bassist Jennifer Arroyo succeed handily. Not to mention noisily. These slabs of molten sludge up the ante from previous discs, coupling Lander’s increasingly melodic songcraft with wave after punishing wave of grinding buzzsaw guitars, blowtorch-siren vocals and pulverizing rhythmic syncopation. Granted, it isn’t like these cats have changed their spots all that much. But if this is what a few years of tough times produce, this end more than justifies the means.