Home Read Albums Of The Week: 86TVs | 86TVs

Albums Of The Week: 86TVs | 86TVs

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:86TVs are a new British rock supergroup featuring Maccabees alumni Hugo and Felix White, their brother Will White and drummer Jamie Morrison (Stereophonics).

After making a big impression with their debut EP You Don’t Have To Be Yourself Right Now and selling out their recent U.K. headline tour, 86TVs have released their self-titled debut album.

86TVs is the sound of a band with nothing to prove, yet conversely with everything to prove — if only to themselves. For if you’ve done it all — topping charts, selling out multiple nights at Alexandra Palace, headlining festivals, winning awards — you really need to believe in what you’re doing to commit to starting all over again from scratch. Joy and escapism sparks from every moment, from the rousing yet tender four-way vocal harmonies to songs that span the spectrum from ragged post-punk to skeletal introspection. An exciting new era is rapidly gathering momentum.

“The feeling of missing someone comes up a lot in many different ways on the album,” Felix White says. “There’s a complexity to grief. There are moments where it feels like it happened yesterday and others where you can’t even remember it. Maybe it feels that there are certain things that are easier to communicate in a song. After our first gig someone came up to me and said it sounded like The Strokes if they’d had therapy.”