Sieski Tempts You With Sweet Sonic Gumdrops

The Vancouver pop singer's candy-coated bop has a deeper meaning at its centre.

Sieski unwraps a delightful piece of candy-coated pop confectionery with her new single Gumdrops — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Featuring jazzy synth chords and her signature buttery vocals, Sieski brings us another stimulating alt-pop track for dreamy summer nights in this queer-coated sugar bop. Despite its irresistible groove, the dancecentric pop-house track has a deeper meaning at its centre, as the Vancouver singer-songwriter shares a moving, personal message of self-care and manifesting joy:

“Healing in myself
All the pain it seems to fade away
Not being enough
But everyone around you feels the same way
Cold stop on that thought
Golden honey now
Head long in the sky
Over like a cloud
You came once before
Now you’re coming on
Clear head type of vibe
Over like a cloud
I can’t stop thinking about you
In pastel gumdrop colour hues
Knowing what this feeling could do to, could do to
I dream in silky waves that move.”

“Lots of people move through their lives in fear. I experience anxiety and an easily stimulated mind, which means I get taken by waves of intensity in both directions — into the darkness, and also into light, airy enthusiasm,” explains Sieski. “Gumdrops speaks to that feeling of being overcome by a joyful wave, a moment of intense connection with another person, a shimmer, a beacon, and allowing myself to ride it out, free of judgement or critique. I often analyse to an obsessive degree, and through my life I’ve found facets of channelling it.

“I grew up as a dancer, and movement continues to be a form of self-expression that I love, because it’s a meeting place of physical stimulation and creativity. I find that when I am in touch with my body on a neuro physical level, it’s easier to lean away from the anxious thoughts, and into an energy of ease and freedom. This concept intertwines with the way I navigate my identity and queerness, as a queer, bisexual human. From growing up in smaller towns, I’ve experienced a mix of internalised homophobia, and caring too much about what others think.”

Celebrated for her ethereal voice and hypnotic piano themes, alt-pop artist Sieski takes her name from is a phonetic combo of the words sea and key (as in piano). Sieski draws you in with alluring vocals and melodies that flow and swell, transporting you with their subtle power. She released her debut EP Dreamist in 2019, followed by a string of singles. Notable releases include Scale Model and the queer-femme, alt-pop anthem Lady Deity. She will unveil Gumdrops on July 27 at HippoSonic Recording Studios in Vancouver.

Check out Gumdrops above, hear more from Sieski below, get tickets to her show HERE, and be sweet to her on her website, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok.