Home Read Albums Of The Week: Dave’s Doors Of Perception | Major Door Arcana

Albums Of The Week: Dave’s Doors Of Perception | Major Door Arcana

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “It is commonly accepted that one member of Dave’s Doors Of Perception has returned from the future. It is widely believed to be Dave Door himself — the band’s drummer who first started the rumour. And no wonder. How else to explain the far-out, far-sighted, visionary soundscape of their time-travelling garage-rock?

The new sophomore LP Major Door Arcana will only give extra credence to the gossip. Side 1 features 22 two minutes of garage punk-rock perfection; fuzz guitar, snarling vocals and a tinnitus-inducing rhythm section. With two ‘mellower’ tunes programmed by way of respite, the nine songs play like a whole album in itself. Them comes Side 2: Another 22 minutes of wigged-out psychedelic excess. A sonic exorcism of such hallucinogenic innuendo that psychosis may be induced in all but the most mushroom-hardened listener — a cautionary note to anyone intent on finishing all six tracks.

Door lives in South East London. His hair is lustrous and long; it is his antenna to receive cosmic energy from distant stars. His perception of the universe is profound, psychedelic and potent; an alternate realm of freakiness and fuzz. Dave believes that he is the drummer in the loudest, baddest, mind-expanding, underground garage punk band that ever existed.

The band is fronted by Blair Dean, a snarling, Gibson-welding songsmith whose calm Ivy League exterior is in conflict with his animal three-chord aggression and vocal vitriol. Bassist Rob Doherty is a mod — you can tell because he wears desert boots and plays the most solid, pounding, gnarly, growling bass that it is possible for the human body to survive. Lead guitarist Mark Lacey is a bearded, plaid shirt-wearing hipster, whose shrill electric noodling is often only sonically perceivable to canines Dave’s Doors Of Perception are irresistible, insatiable and unstoppable.”