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Classic Album Review: Alabama 3 | The Last Train to Mashville Vol. 2

Those Guys Who Did The Sopranos Theme find a path through one-hit wonderdom.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


One-hit wonders usually have a couple of choices. They can spend their lives: a) driving themselves nuts by replaying their claim to fame like some perpetual jukebox, or b) driving fans nuts by refusing to play it at all.

Alabama 3 — who might as well give in and change their name to Those Guys Who Did The Sopranos Theme — find a third option on their all-acoustic outing The Last Train to Mashville Vol. 2. This 37-minute set finds the U.K. electro-roots outfit revisiting back-catalogue cuts — Too Sick To Pray, Year Zero and (natch) Woke Up This Morning — and stripping away the electronics to expose the rustic grit and Dylanesque country-folk beneath all the bells and whistles. Granted, it doesn’t break a whole lot of new ground. Still, it probably beats the other career options open to A3 at this point.