Home Read Albums Of The Week: Guided By Voices | Strut Of Kings

Albums Of The Week: Guided By Voices | Strut Of Kings

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Guided By Voices (the ever-evolving act led by prolific indie-pop wizard Robert Pollard) build on 40 years of history with the majestic and triumphant Strut Of Kings, the indie-rock icons’ 41st (!!) album.

Largely recorded in Kings County, N.Y. (aka Brooklyn), the album is perhaps a gesture towards the malevolent “kings” on the world stage. As The Serene King waltzes across the battlefield, Emperor Pollard evokes castles, King Kong and strutting roosters, a surreal yet regal journey.

Believe it or not, Pollard and co. claim Strut Of Kings will be the only new Guided By Voices album of 2024. Either way, it includes some of GBV’s hookiest nuggets in recent memory.”