Home Read Classic Album Review: Smash Mouth | Astro Lounge

Classic Album Review: Smash Mouth | Astro Lounge

Give the pop-rockers credit for tossing the tiki-torch shtik on their sophomore album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


What’s surprising about this sophomore CD from the Walking On The Sun hitmakers isn’t how often they try to duplicate that novelty hit’s retro-surf-a-go-go vibe — it’s how often they don’t.

Aside from a couple of obvious Xeroxes that likely appeased the record company suits, most of this disc throws away the tiki-torch shtik in favour of a laid-back, lilting new-wavey vibe like that of first single All Star. Meanwhile, other tracks flirt with spry power pop, Elvis Costello-ish balladry and the jazzy, space-age groove suggested by the title. And while it does seem kind of unfocused at times — you get the sense the Smash Mouth boys are unsure of what to do next — you have to give them props for not just trying to walk in Sun’s footsteps.