Home Read Classic Album Review: Ministry | Dark Side Of The Spoon

Classic Album Review: Ministry | Dark Side Of The Spoon

Al Jourgensen’s seventh studio album is more fun than a whack in the noggin.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Ministry mouthpiece Al Jourgensen says his band’s seventh studio disc — the first since 1996’s dour Filth Pig — is a “fun” album. Rest assured your definition of fun probably isn’t the same as Al’s.

Suffice it to say Ministry hasn’t gone soft: Dark Side Of The Spoon is a 45-minute eruption of the usual aggro-industrial metal sludge we’ve come to know and love from Al and partner Paul Barker. Even so, there’s no getting around the fact that Jourgensen — the original weird Al — has lightened up to the point where he tosses banjo and sax into the deadly Nursing Home and chants “I’m OK, you’re OK,” amid the blues-rock grind of recovery satire Step. Not exactly a barrel of monkeys, but more fun than a whack in the noggin with a ball peen — or sitting through Filth Pig again.