Home Read Classic Album Review: Jesse Camp | Jesse & The 8th Street Kidz

Classic Album Review: Jesse Camp | Jesse & The 8th Street Kidz

A former MTV jock tries to extend his 15 minutes with a set of low-rent glam & metal.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


One advantage to not having U.S. MTV in Canada is that we haven’t had to endure the idiotic ramblings of Jesse Camp, an androgynous, stick-figure space-cadet who won a job as a VJ a while back.

Now, Jesse’s trying to prolong his 15 minutes of fame with this CD of low-rent glam rock and teen-metal odes to cutting class, smoking in the boys’ room and necking behind the gym. Like Jesse, this 14-track disc does have a certain goofball charm (not to mention decent guest spots from rockers such as Rick Neilsen and Stevie Nicks). Ultimately, though, it’s the sort of dated hair-metal — imagine your little brother’s band trying to write Poison songs — that MTV wouldn’t be caught dead airing these days. And rightfully so.