Billie Zizi | Levitate: Exclusive Video Premiere

The Edmonton singer gives up the ghost on the title cut from her upcoming LP.

Billie Zizi willingly surrenders her earthly ties and floats away to eternal freedom on her seductively soaring new single and video Levitate — premiering exclusively on Tinnitist.

The title track from the ascendant Edmonton singer-songwriter’s upcoming album, the hypnotic Levitate fittingly moves between worlds and eras, decorating its vintage soul and contemporary R&B with echoes of ’60s country a la Bobbie Gentry — if she wrote songs about giving up the ghost:

“I got lost in the fog
White foam lace spinning in a haze
Obscuring the path seductively
Luring me to oblivion
The soft air smelt like transcendence
In a sea foam green martini glass
Handed to me by the other side
Unveiled and stunning
The fog was victorious over my sanity…
And I let it take me
I levitate away
And I feel free.”

The song may be about death, but Zizi insists Levitate is an album about life and love: “From the gas station love affairs of pitbull-walking, rhinestone adorned Edmontonians to the spiritual levity of transcendence, this album is a glimpse into my strange mind and the life I’ve lived,” she says “Loss, radiant love, transience, delirium and indefatigable hope are some of the themes. I dreamed this record into being over many years. It’s a love letter to Edmonton, to delighting in the simple things like hot dogs and friendship and the prairie sky and the absurdity of it all. To the all the Dirt City angels the big dreamers and the lovers and the dancers this is for you, I hope you like it. May your joy be unmuted, hope undefeated, may you dance in ecstasy.”

With Zizi providing the soundtrack, that’s easy. Her fusion of soul, R&B, avant-garde jazz and more makes for a sound that’s both accessible and boldly experimental. With a background shaped by travels through Eastern Europe, Zizi embarked on a journey as a solo artist, crafting tightly arranged loops and sampled parts before evolving into full-fledged albums. Her 2015 debut LP Gun Metal Dress showcased jazz-inflected tracks marked by unconventional time signatures and scat-inspired vocals, while Moon Of Honey (2016) revealed a growing confidence in risk-taking while maintaining a sharp pop sensibility.

After a brief hiatus, Zizi returns triumphantly with Levitate, due in October. Showcasing her distinctive sound, the album navigates familiar terrain with fresh perspectives. With Austin Parachoniak’s astute production, Levitate weaves through kaleidoscopic sonic landscapes, highlighting Zizi’s masterful vocals and poetic lyricism. From the ethereal charm of Midnight Sun to the whimsical cadences of Hope, the album delights with its playful yet profound approach. Through intricate arrangements and thoughtful nostalgia, Zizi’s dedication to growth and creativity shines, making Levitate a captivating testament to her evolving artistry.

Watch the video for Levitate above, hear more from Billie Zizi below and drift over to her website, Instagram and Facebook.