Home Read Classic Album Review: GusGus | This Is Normal

Classic Album Review: GusGus | This Is Normal

The nine-member Icelandic art/music collective sex it up on their sophomore album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you remember this nine-member Icelandic art/music collective at all, it’s likely from their ’97 club hit Polyesterday, a bittersweet lolly of quirky pop exuberance.

Well, if that was normal, This Is Normal, their second album, is a whole ’nother ball of wax. This time around, the grooves are darker and spacier, the lyrics sleazier and spicier, the effect sultry and soulful instead of bright and bubbly. With its black-ice bass lines, icicle synths and sultry funktronica, This Is Normal is the perfect soundtrack to a sweaty, all-night, um, dance. You may not have remembered them from before, but you won’t forget them now.